「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目) 」の変更点
2020年6月18日以降「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目)」の変更点。
米国PMI® (プロジェクトマネジメント協会) 認定試験の「PMP®受験申請用の申込受付Webサイト」が2020年6月18日以降、大幅にデザインリニューアルされ、PMP®受験申請時に必要な申し込み入力項目などの一部書き方が簡素化されました。
[ 重要:主な書き方の変更ポイント ]
・「2020年6月18日以降の最新版PMP受験申請の申し込み入力項目」のプロジェクト経験情報の書き方は、プロジェクト実務で使用していたプロジェクトマネジメントアプローチ/手法 を"ウォーターフォール型" "アジャイル型" "ハイブリッド型" の3つの中から選択する入力項目が新たに追加されました。
・「2020年6月18日以降の最新版PMP受験申請の申し込み入力項目」のプロジェクト経験情報の書き方は、プロジェクト実務を行っていた会社(組織)の "主要注力分野の業種と職種" を選択する入力項目が新たに追加されました。
・「2020年6月18日以降の最新版PMP受験申請の申し込み入力項目」のプロジェクト経験情報の書き方は、プロジェクト経験内容の書き方のルールがこれまでの "550文字以内" から "200単語以上、500単語以内を推奨" に大幅に変更され、プロジェクトの目的・目標、ステークホルダーから期待されているプロジェクトによって得られる価値、プロジェクト実務時の受験申請者の役割と責任などについて最低でも100単語以上の英文で入力する必要があります。※100単語以上を満たしていない場合はエラーとなり、PMP®受験申請を進めることができませんのでご注意ください。
2020年6月18日以降「PMP®受験申請 (プロジェクト経験)」の記入例文サンプル
Project objective
-Entrepreneurial support project for individual businessmen
Role in the project
-As a project manager
-Building a Project Business Documents, a Project charter and specifying stakeholders.
-Making documents of Requirements Documentation, Work Breakdown Structure, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, Budget Management List, Schedule baseline, Communication Management List, Risk Register, Project Team Member Training Plan, Cost Baseline, Change Management Plan and Project Progress Control List as deliverables.
-Identified risks doing a SWOT analysis.
-Confirming progress of schedule and costs.
-Show critical pass to local office staff periodically.
-used the Tuckman ladder of team development as a reference, had a project kick off on forming phase to understand the goals and purposes of the project with team members and to motivate them for the project. Also on storming phase, in order to solve conflicts quickly, increased communications aggressively and supported the team to develop.
Monitoring and Controlling
-Management for changes of schedule costs.
-Conducted weekly change control meetings with project sponsors.
-Actively Involved in CAB (Change Advisory Board) Meetings.
-Making Project Closure Documents and Sharing lessons to next year project members.
Outcome and Evaluation
-Received high praise from clients and stakeholders from concluding the project according to the initial project plan.
Project objective
-New customer acquisition
Role in the project
-As a project manager
-Building a Project Business Documents, Project Charter, Stakeholder Register and analyzing stakeholders.
-Collected requirements using interviews and facilitated workshops.
-Defined scope by performing product analysis.
-Involved in writing Documents of Requirements Documentation, Work Breakdown -Structure, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, Project Schedule, risk register, risk analyst and risk response, Budget Management List, Communication Management List, Project Team Member Training Plan, Change Management Plan, and Project Progress Control List as deliverables.
-Implemented Risk Responses after analysis.
-purposely increased communications and communicative events between team members then communicate with team members actively in order to avoid having small conflicts when the team was in the middle of Storming phase (refer to the Tuckman ladder of team development).
-Confirming the process of deliverables.
Monitoring and Controlling
-Confirming the validity of deliverables and response for checking
-Controlled quality by reviewing approved changes.
-Communicated aggressively with team members on weekly routine to confirm the process of project deliverables and controlled the project schedules accurately.
-Making project’s lesson reports and project closure documents.
-Involved strongly to set up a kind of ceremonial event to congrats and thank project/team members and all other people who involved this project.
Outcome and Evaluation
-Received high praise from clients and stakeholders from delivering all productions within due time.
Project objective
-Support Students to Choose Future Project.
Role in the project
-As a project manager
-Building Project Business Documents, Project Charter Stakeholder Register, summaries of schedule and milestones.
-Making Requirements Documentation, Responsibility Assignment Matrix, each schedule documents of Work Breakdown Structure and GANTT chart, Budget Management List, Communication Management List, Risk Register, Project Team Member Training Plan, Change Management Plan and Project Progress Control List as deliverables.
-Generating and analyzing deliverables.
-Developed project team by organizing training and managed the team by resolving conflicts.
Monitoring and Controlling
-Participated in CCB (Change Control Board) to control scope.
-Quality management of deliverables.
-Quality control though managing incidents and existing problems of the current system
-Making project’s Project Closure Documents and lesson reports.
-completed the important appraisal indicators such as quality of deliverables, project budget and project dead line as confirmed on the Project Charter at Initiating process.
-Provided the values of achievements for the project owner and main stakeholders then earned high evaluations.
Outcome and Evaluation
-successfully making flow charts and systems of choosing students' future to provide same quality of support for students.
2020年6月18日以降「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目)」のデモ画面(参考)
当ページの「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目)の変更点」の最新情報に関しまして
当ページの「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目)の変更点」の最新情報は、米国PMI(米国プロジェクトマネジメント協会)、米国PMI日本支部から発信されている情報を基にSmileWayが2020年10月時点にて調査・分析・翻訳し、日本語で解説したものになります。※尚、今後米国PMI(米国プロジェクトマネジメント協会)やピアソンVUE社より、さらなる「PMP®受験申請 (申し込み入力項目)の変更点」や「PMP®オンライン受験予約手順」が発表・公開された際は、当ページ内容と差異が生じる場合があることをご了承ください。